Hometown: Colorado Springs, CO
Major: Aerospace Engineering
Outfit: Squadron 21
Originally from Squadron 21, Genevieve Pace ’24 serves as the 2023-2024 Second Group Commander.
On the Quad, Genevieve is a member of Parsons Mounted Cavalry. During her freshman year, Genevieve was a member of the National Champion Fish Drill Team.
Off the Quad, Genevieve is a member of the Texas A&M Women’s Rugby Team, and actively volunteers at the Aggieland Humane Society.
“The Corps has taught me how to be comfortable in the uncomfortable. Fish year it started with meeting my buddies and upperclassmen in my outfit who came from all walks of life- me as well being a first generation Aggie. As my Corps career continued, I was able to meet and develop myself through the people on the Fish Drill Team and Parsons Mounted Cavalry- cadets who come from their own backgrounds and own outfits. Currently in my senior year, I have the amazing opportunity to lead and command with cadets who are going into different walks of life once they graduate- future Airmen, Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, and private/civilian contractors. One of my favorite poems that highlights the Corps experience is Invictus. In the face of challenge, “my head is bloody, but unbowed.” Through the Corps experience and the challenges brought with it, I have found how unconquerable my soul really is. So once I leave this place, I have full confidence in my preparation to be a leader in this world,” Genevieve said of her time in the Corps.
After graduation, Genevieve plans to commission into the United States Air Force, where she will serve as an Aircraft Maintenance Officer.