Hometown: Killeen, Texas
Major: Meteorology
Outfit: Corps Staff/Squadron 6
Originally from Squadron 6, Deandre Macri ’25 currently serves as the 2024-2025 Corps Commander. Prior to being named the Corps Commander, Deandre served as the Corps Sergeant Major.
In addition to his leadership position on the Quad, Deandre is currently a member of the Corps Marathon team. Deandre was also previously a member of the Class of 2025 National Champion Fish Drill Team, the Corps Color Guard and the Cadet Awareness Diversity Expansion Team (C.A.D.E.T.).
Off the Quad, Deandre is a member of the Texas A&M Student Chapter of the American Meteorological Society (TAMSCAMS).
“The Corps of Cadets has developed me as a leader by providing an environment that empowers me to lead confidently while simultaneously providing a safe place to fail at 100% and learn from my mistakes. This experience has made me resilient and prepared for challenges I will face in life beyond graduation,” Deandre said of his time in the Corps.
After graduation, Deandre plans to commission into the United States Air Force, where he hopes to serve as a Weather Officer. Deandre also plans to obtain his PhD in climatology and research satellite warfare with the United States Space Force.