Hometown: Fort Worth, Texas
Major: Agricultural Communications & Journalism
Outfit: Company E-2
Charles Wright ’25 currently serves as the Executive Officer of Company E-2.
On the Quad, Charles is the Co-Captain of the Corps Men’s Soccer team. During his freshman year, Charles was a member of the Fish Drill Team, where he also served as a sophomore advisor the following year. He also works for the Corps Media & Marketing Office, where he is tasked with special research projects.
In his free time, Charles enjoys hunting, fishing and spending time outdoors.
“The Corps has given me lots of unique opportunities to develop myself as a leader. Through my four years, I have had the honors of serving as the Fish Drill Team Exhibition Guidon, Sophomore Advisor for the Drill Team, 1st sergeant Company E-2 and now the XO of E-2. Through all of those experiences, I have learned many different methods of good leadership. I have also learned how hard it can sometimes be to lead others. I feel that my time in the Corps has prepared me to face those difficult leadership challenges, and I am excited to put them into practice as I graduate and join the real world,” Charles said of his time in the Corps.
After graduation, Charles plans to commission into the U.S. Navy Reserve, where he hopes to serve as a Public Affairs Officer.