Nathan R. Agner ’18 is an Aerospace Engineering major from Papillion, Nebraska. He is the son of Mia and Col Dale Agner, USAF (Ret).
Nathan is a distinguished student, Ross Volunteer, and Air Force Contract. His freshman year, he became a national champion as a member of the Fish Drill Team. During his sophomore year, Nathan served as the Squadron 21 Guidon brother, as well as the Athletics, Public Relations, and Scholastics corporal. His junior year he served as the Squadron 21 First Sergeant and he is currently serving as the 1st Wing Commander.
His sophomore year, Nathan was a part of the Aggie SAE Aero design team where he helped design CAD models and handcraft an RC plane from scratch to compete in a global competition. Nathan currently serves as a student leader with Valor where he leads a weekly community group and assists cadets with their Corps experience as well as their spiritual lives. In the spring of 2017, he was inducted into a distinguished engineering honor society, Tau Beta Pi. Last spring, Nathan was sponsored by his AFROTC Detachment as a delegate in SCONA (Student Conference on National Affairs). In the summer of 2017 he attended the Corps International Excursion to Panama and Costa Rica.
Nathan graduated from Air Force Field Training in the summer of 2016. He currently serves as the AFROTC Detachment’s Financial Officer. Cadet Agner will graduate in May of 2019 and commission as a 2nd Lieutenant. His goal is to become a pilot in the Air Force, and fly B-1’s if he gets lucky enough.
Nathan says that coming to Texas A&M and joining the Corps is the best decision that he’s made, and is what has helped define who he is. His commitment to service, leadership, and friendship are some of his most important values to him!