Michael Badzey ‘21 is a Chemistry major minoring in Philosophy and STEM Education. He is from Huntington Beach, CA and is the son of Siobhan and Peter Badzey.
Michael is the Commander of Company P-2 (Trident Company) in First Regiment. As the commander of a Navy/Marine outfit, he is responsible for the vision and mission of the outfit as well as the success of every Trident cadet. Michael is also a member of the Ross Volunteer Company. Off the Quad, he spends a lot of his time at St. Mary’s Catholic Center and helps run its ministry on the Quad where he reaches out to Catholic cadets. Michael is also pursuing a teaching credential for grades 7-12 Physical Science with aggieTEACH – a program which provides science majors a path to teaching.
While Michael’s senior year has looked different than he expected, he has grown to appreciate the time of uncertainty he’s faced as a leader within the Corps. “I am humbled to realize that there is an entire outfit of real people – with our world turned upside down – who are looking to me for direction, security, and hope. That’s a realization few other Corps classes have ever experienced,” he said.
Upon graduation in May 2021, Michael hopes to pursue a master’s degree through the University of Notre Dame’s Alliance for Catholic Education program. We are proud of Michael and are confident in his future success! We wish him the best of luck in all of his future endeavors!