Last week was truly a historic one for Texas A&M University and the Corps of Cadets. President George H.W. Bush was laid to rest at the George Bush Library on the Texas A&M campus last Thursday, and among literally thousands of people who gathered to bid farewell to our 41st President, the Corps of Cadets stood front and center and played an integral role in the entire ceremony.
The cadets were involved from the time the train carrying President Bush and his family arrived at College Station, with the Ross Volunteers and Aggie Band standing by the train to welcome them to
Aggieland and to render honors for our 41st President. As the Ross Volunteers solemnly saluted the casket as it was removed from the train, the Aggie Band played “Hail to the Chief,” followed by “The Aggie War Hymn” as the casket was carried to the hearse. Once the funeral motorcade left the train site for the burial site, the entire Corps of Cadets stood at attention and saluted as the procession drove along Barbara Bush Drive to President Bush’s final resting place at the Bush Library.

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It was a solemn but proud day for Texas A&M and the Corps of Cadets as we bid a final farewell to President George H.W. Bush last week, and our cadets certainly are worthy of our pride and our gratitude for their exemplary performance throughout the entire funeral ceremony. The entire Cadet Corps represented the very best of our Corps, our university, and our country. I am very proud of all of them, and know that the entire Bush family is very grateful for their display of respect and gratitude that they rendered for our 41st President. God bless them all.
The story below, which appeared in TAMU Today on Monday, December 10th, captures the essence of the entire ceremony, the role the cadets played in the ceremony, and the impact the entire experience had on our cadets. We have also attached links to various videos and photos of the entire funeral ceremony for President George H.W. Bush at Texas A&M last week, all of which include great shots of our cadets. I hope they make you as proud of our cadets and our Corps as they make us!
Best wishes to all of you for a very Happy Holiday Season! God bless you and your families, and God bless our Corps!
– Commandant of Cadets, Brigadier General Joe E. Ramirez Jr. ’79