Bradley Sauer ’18 is a political science major from Harker Heights, Texas. He is the son of Jeff and Sarah Sauer.
Although D-2 is his home outfit, Brad serves as the 2017-2018 Corps Commander. He served as the 2016-2017 Corps Sergeant Major and is a former member of the OR Simpson Honor Society. Brad has also participated in the Army Ten Miler and the Ranger Challenge. Off the Quad, Brad is a member of the Student Leader Committee and the MSC Board of Directors.
Brad has many accomplishments to be proud of. He is an Eagle Scout and has received the Corps Academic Achievement Award. He is a member of the Sons of the American Revolution for outstanding military proficiency and has earned the German Armed Forces Proficiency Badge.
Upon graduation, Brad will commission in the U.S. Army as an active duty armor officer. Brad is an exceptional cadet, I know he will make us proud in his future endeavours. Best of luck, Brad!